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Verity® for Head & Neck – PLANMED

With the head and neck imaging option for the Planmed Verity® CBCT scanner, you can extend your capabilities to cover your ENT and basic 3D dental imaging needs. The exceptional image quality combined with patient and volume positioning options makes it possible to acquire images of the head and neck region with greater precision than before. Convenient positioning and open design help reducing anxiety for the patient.

Head and neck imaging with Planmed Verity

Maximal patient comfort

The walk-in type of positioning makes the imaging of the head area fast and efficient. Patient comfort is maximized with two convenient sitting positioning choices, positioning trays, a positioning camera, and lasers. Imaging protocols are optimized for these to cover typical areas of interest such as sinuses, maxillofacial area, and teeth.

Maximal patient comfort

Automatic patient movement correction

Patient movement can deteriorate image quality and lead to additional scans. The Planmed Verity extremity CT scanner solves this problem with the intelligent Planmeca CALM™ algorithm, which can compensate for slight movements and provide improved, diagnostic-quality images.

The feature is particularly beneficial when imaging restless or lively patients such as children, individuals with special needs, or elderly patients. In addition, the algorithm can add value to any image by improving its quality. Planmeca CALM can be applied after an image has been captured for all anatomies and voxel sizes. The feature not only saves time for clinicians but also guards patients from unnecessary exposure.

Planmeca CALM

Metal artifact reduction

Metal objects such as plates, inserts, and artificial joints can cause shadows and streaks in 3D images. Our intelligent algorithm suppresses these artifacts efficiently and reliably. The artifact removal algorithm is very flexible to use – you can either activate it before imaging or utilize it manually after the exposure.

With metal artifact reduction

With metal artifact reduction

Without metal artifact reduction

Without metal artifact reduction

Noise removal algorithm

The noise filtration protocol of Planmed Verity is a fantastic tool for achieving noise-free images without losing valuable details. The algorithm improves image quality when using small voxel sizes and allows lowering exposure values by reducing noise. It can be included in the imaging protocol or applied to the image after acquisition.

Noise removal algorithm

ULD – Ultra low dose with diagnostic image quality

ULD – Ultra low dose with diagnostic image quality

Scientific publications

The Planmed Verity scanner is also widely used in research projects. The clinical outcomes have been proven in various studies around the world. A list of publications with summaries can be seen below. Contents vary from weight-bearing studies to fracture diagnostics comparisons between modalities and patient dose analyses.


Express yourself

The upholstery of the unit is available in seven vibrating colors!

Planmed Verity upholstery colours

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