989803139261 SMART Pads II Cartridge for FRx - PHILIPS

989803139261 SMART Pads II Cartridge for FRx – PHILIPS

989803139261 SMART Pads II Cartridge for FRx – PHILIPS

$160.00 *excl. GST 7%


Multi-function Replacement Electrode Pads Cartridge for the Philips HeartStart FRx AED that is suitable for both Adult or Child/Infant(with use of Child/Infant Key).

They eliminate the expense of having to purchase different sets of pads for different patient types.

SMART Pads II are “smart” because they sense when they have been removed from the cartridge and when each has been applied to the patient, adjusting the voice instructions to your actions. The cartridge also has Philips pull handle built in.

These Philips AED pads are for use with the Philips FRx AED . Philips AED pads must be replaced after use or once every 2 years regardless of use. An expiration date is marked on the front of the pads cartridge.

By using the Child/Infant Key (sold separately) you can convert your FRx AED with SMART Pads II to a child or infant (patients under 25kg or 55 lbs.) capable AED.

Manufacturers Part Number: 989803139261